A r t i c l e s

Note: This site is
a bit older, personal views
may have changed.

M a i n P a g e

D i r e c t o r y

L505 Quotes

On this page: many quotes from other people. Comments from me are in brackets, if any.
"Someone I used to work with, said that in a previous job they had a life-size cardboard cut-out of Superman and would go and ask him their questions, the act of asking 'him' the question would often mean they thought of the solution." --Harvey Pengwyn
"Basically, avoid comments" --Rob Pike

(Above quote regarding source code comments.. Rob Pike has obviously never written code that managers and pointy haired bosses have to read. My opinion is that comments can always be deleted by whomever reads your source file.. if they've learned the code and know it so well, then let them delete the comments if they want to. If it were true that code shouldn't be commented, then documentation shouldn't be written either. The API explains itself! Why document an API if the API explains itself?)

"Tight lipped losers and lustful fuck salesman" --Jim Morrison
"Fascism was often corporatist or syndicalist (and always collectivist). At times, it sounded suspiciously like Leninism-Stalinism."

"They swung ferociously between the pole of malignant individualism and that of lethal collectivism." --http://samvak.tripod.com/fascism.html

(These above quotes help us see that fascism is in many ways similar to communism, and that the whole Left vs Right wing nonsense doesn't really hold up. When one wants to be a collectivist, they show strong signs of individualism at times. In a capitalist society everyone is supposed to have individual rights, yet large corporations end up becoming collectivist movements... i.e. a collection or group of people who make big decisions.)

"...a philosopher who did not hurt anybody's feeling was not doing his job."
--Plato (source: Wikipedia)
People working on more obscure stuff often do so because of a real need, instead just because of buzzword compliance. Their libraries are then often more reliable, since they have been used in real applications.
--Martin v. Löwis
"And while reading, you made illegal temporary copies of copyright material on your retinas."
--Norman Diamond
"After describing all the exciting new features of C99, one would expect there to be more awareness of the standard by now but there isn't. The primary reason for the lack of awareness of C99 is the fact that compiler support at the current time is practically non-existent."

(Why are people always whining about Modern Pascal not having an ANSI standard when C has a standard that no one implements?)

"I haven't worked with Pascal enough to really understand what 'finalization' does."
--Corey Murtagh

(What does it do, you ask? Well, it finalizes. Pretty simple, actually. In C, one has to use pragma init, start, and pragma fini. Why not just go back to using wood stoves instead of electric ones?)

"Every flippin' config file is XML. Web.xml looks just like build.xml looks just like server.xml. It's driving me *nuts*!" --John Klassa

(above explains why XML will fail and has failed for solving many problems)

"My own environment (on PC hardware) actually runs Windows NT"
--Dennis Ritchie, inventor of Unix

(look it up, I'm not kidding. Says a lot about Unix I suppose).

"For stuff like getting Excel and Word things, plus much WWW browsing, I revert to NT"
-Dennis Ritche, inventor of Unix

(honest, look this one up).

"Unless you start typing in coherent, structured English, your posting privileges are subject to immediate termination." --nickolay

"I think that all the other projects from the GNU group are for Linux insignificant in comparison. GCC is the only one that I really care about. A number of them I hate with a passion; the Emacs editor is horrible, for example."
--Linus Torvalds

"That is the danger of syntactic sugar, it always looks tempting as a shorthand. However if you indulge in it, you get Perl." --Marco van de Voort

"PHP is 'simple and clean?' What are you smoking?" --Elf Sternberg

"In my MSc thesis, I put forward the idea of complete by-word indexing of USENET, i.e. before the Internet really existed, and was told that (a) no one would be interested and (b) it couldn't possibly work."

"Life is not too short for a couple of developers to wait for a compiler.. life is too short for thousands of customers wait for an interpreter." --me

"One person can initiate action, but it takes more than one person to change humanity in even just micro amounts. It takes thousands if not hundreds of thousands in order to have even a small impact on humans as a whole." --me

"Is DotNet just a vague, fancy term for 'Client and Server stuff'?" --me

"C++ looks like modem line noise. Modern Pascal looks like.. source code." --me

This site is about programming and other things.
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